January 8 ~ February 12
Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00pm
January 8 ~ February 12
Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00pm
Taught by Steven Schank, ThD & Geoff Sprague
Theology Proper is a study of the First Person of the Triune God-Head. As one studies God the Father, avenues of understanding open up as to the other two Persons of the Trinity. There is much confusion regarding the Persona and Nature of God. One stands confused unless he/she is properly grounded in Scripture. We will look at what the Bible says regarding God the Father.
Taught by Chris Lee and Clay McElwain
Everyone's a Theologian, written by R.C. Sproul, is an introduction to systematic theology. Anytime we think about a teaching of the Bible and strive to understand it, we engage in theology. In this class we will put the Bible's teachings together in a systematic fashion to arrive at a theology that is consistent and founded on truth. Whether you want to learn more about what the Bible Says, who God is, or how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, this book will provide clear answers.
the word is alive
Taught by Terry Anderson
If you are like most Christians, you struggle with understanding certain parts of the Bible for yourself. The Word is Alive series will teach you certain precepts and give you tools to learn the Bible for yourself. This study will open our eyes to how magnificent the Bible is, and will change your life. For too long the enemy has won the battle by taking the Bibe out of everyday Christian's hands. It is time fo ryou to discover the truths of God's Word for yourself.
i am: the seven statements of jesus
Taught by Laurie Sprague(Ladies' Class)
Who do you say Jesus is? This is the most important question we can answer. We have all heard ways that people characterize Jesus -- a good person, prophet, etc. But how Jesus described Himself is much more important. During this session we will look at the seven statements that Jesus makes about Himself, clearly declaring who He is. No workbook needed, just bring your Bible.
Taught by Ron Ward
At some point you have probably wondered who you are or why God created you like He did. We often wonder what our purpose in life is. We know that God wants us to live an abundant life (John 10:10), but sometimes it seems elusive, or even unattainable. We wonder why we aren’t experiencing peace, joy and rest. It is His desire that we not only know His truth, but actually experience Him and His character in the middle of life’s challenges, allowing the Truth to set us free.
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