Our pastoral staff helps guide the direction of our church, by focusing on, and following, our one true God.
pastoral staff & ministry directors
pastoral staff & ministry directors
Our pastoral staff helps guide the direction of our church, by focusing on, and following, our one true God.
Ric cadle
Senior pastor
After several years in a successful business career, Ric came to full-time ministry in 2001. After serving for nine years at a church in Indiana, Ric became Wildwood's senior pastor in 2010. Ric is a definite "people-person," a gifted counselor, a dynamic teacher, and a visionary leader. In addition to his experience in full-time church ministry, he is also a sought-after leader and speaker for men's conferences and marriage retreats. Ric says "I get excited when I see an individual grow in their understanding of who God truly is, and then display His love to others."
Email Pastor Ric at rcadle@wildwoodbaptist.org.
Read his latest newsletter article here.
steve coleman
Worship pastor
Born and raised in South Carolina, Steve is a 1989 graduate of the University of South Carolina, with a B.A. in Music. After working briefly in audio-visual production, Steve and his wife Carol began full-time ministry, serving churches in North Carolina and Florida before coming to Wildwood in 1999.
Steve's passions for ministry are helping people to connect with God through worship, and mentoring other worship leaders.
Email Pastor Steve at scoleman@wildwoodbaptist.org
Alexander was called to preach at an early age and following high school, he attended the University of South Carolina and West Coast Baptist College, graduating in 2017 with his Bachelor's of Religious Education in Pastoral Theology. Alexander and his wife, Grace, have both served in youth ministry throughout their lives and have served in full-time ministry for nearly a decade. They love spending time with their family, especially their daughter, Natalie.
Contact Alexander at asharpe@wildwoodbaptist.org
byron york
cHILDREN & family ministry pastor
Byron will be leading our Children's Ministry and developing new activities for families with young children. Byron has served as a counselor at Camp Kaleo and he and his wife, Raquel, have both served in our Children's Ministry. They have two children, Joshua and David.
Contact Byron at byork@wildwoodbaptist.org.
Sabrina guthrie
weekday and dockside PRESCHOOL director
Sabrina and her husband, Kerry, have been members of Wildwood Baptist since 1990 where she served in the Preschool department for seven years. She was extremely active in women ministries and missions. She is the mother of three children: Nathan, Morgan, and Macy.
In 2003, the Guthrie family was called to overseas missions where they served in Asia for 13 1/2 years. Much of Sabrina's ministry was serving and working in the orphanages. She spent time teaching, caring, and loving on the children. Sabrina assisted the workers of the local orphanages in ways to implement better hygiene, childcare, and education. Through her time spent there, she shared the love of Jesus, which she views as, "The most important gift we can share with someone." Sabrina has been blessed to work with children for over 25 years and continues to view the opportunity of shaping lives of young people as, "The greatest job ever created."
In 2015, the Guthrie's returned to the states where Sabrina has worked at Wildwood Baptist Preschool and Kindergarten to date. As the Preschool Director, Sabrina hopes to continue to shape the lives of children in our community.
Email Sabrina at sguthrie@wildwoodbaptist.org